An official website of the United States government. OMAHA, Neb. Ashby told authorities he received loads of meth from his cousin in Burlington, and he had something big coming in a couple of days, the documents state. Photo courtesy of the MSP. A lock ( A first-time offender found guilty of federal drug distribution charges with these substances can get hit with a 20-year sentence and up to $1 million in fines right off the bat. More than 200 officers with local, state and federal agencies participated. Subscribe to the Public Safety newsletter. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Reporter covering state and federal courts. Initiated by the Attorney General in the fall of 2019, Project Guardian draws upon the Departments past successful programs to reduce gun violence; enhances coordination of federal, state, local, and tribal authorities in investigating and prosecuting gun crimes; improves information-sharing by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives when a prohibited individual attempts to purchase a firearm and is denied by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), to include taking appropriate actions when a prospective purchaser is denied by the NICS for mental health reasons; and ensures that federal resources are directed at the criminals posing the greatest threat to our communities. He concluded Deklotz posed a risk of failing to appear in court and was a danger to the community. August 14, 2020 at 3:25 p.m. EDT The roof and back half of the building is exposed at Camden Amusement in northwest Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Wednesday. 18, 2022 5:46 pm. All rights reserved, 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. ATLANTIC, Iowa --- A Cass County drug seizure in February has been linked to a drug trafficking ring that was busted with 20 federal indictments last week. This case is also part of Project Guardian, the Department of Justices signature initiative to reduce gun violence and enforce federal firearms laws. More than 20 people were arrested on Tuesday as federal and local police busted a drug trafficking ring in Horry County. The event is set for 2 p.m. at the United States Attorneys Office at 111 7th Avenue in Cedar Rapids. Federal investigators tracked shipments of drugs and cash to and from Weyland sent through Federal Express. Look for details Tuesday on KCCI's app and 18, 2022 4:58 pm, Updated: Mar. The Fayette County Sheriff's Office executed two search warrants. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Emily K. Nydle and investigated as part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) program of the United States Department of Justice through a cooperative effort of by the Cedar Rapids Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Iowa Division of Narcotics Enforcement, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the Linn County Sheriffs Office, the Marion Police Department, and the Drug Enforcement Administration. News Everything to know about the Iowa State Univ. Todays operation involved the work of investigators with the Flandreau Police Department, Minnehaha County Sheriffs Office, Moody County Sheriffs Office, Sioux Falls Area Drug Task Force, Sioux Falls Police Department, South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation, South Dakota Highway Patrol and Worthington, Minnesota Police Department. Seven defendants face charges in a multi-count indictment alleging meth trafficking, firearms and money laundering . Official websites use .gov Prescott was sentenced in Cedar Rapids by United States District Court Judge C.J. Heavy snow causes roof to collapse at Fort Dodge mall, Details to be released on major meth ring bust spanning 2 states. Oronde Kimon Lowery, 36 of St. Louis Park, MN, has been indicted in Cedar Rapids federal court for possession with intent to distribute fentanyl and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime. Deklotz denied to agents that he was selling heroin. Published: Jan. 7, 2021 at 12:24 PM PST. In all, agents tracked more than several thousand texts and phone calls connected to trafficking drugs. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Fax Line:(319) 363-1990. Large quantities of heroin, fentanyl, opioid pills, cocaine, crack, an In 2018, Operation Rise and Shine targeted 34 associates of G-Shine/SMG, another subset of the Bloods. Comments: (319) 398-8318;, Emily Andersen, Marissa Payne Crime and Courts Feb. 16, 2023 7:31 pm73d ago, Marissa Payne Crime and Courts Jan. 17, 2023 4:19 pm103d ago, Trish Mehaffey Crime and Courts Jul. Kelly Clarkson's Home Collection Is Up to 74% Off During Way Day Deals, The Best Wayfair Way Day Deals 2023 Starting at $30, Wayfair's Way Day Sale Includes Up to 60% Off Outdoor Furniture Here's What to Shop ASAP, Amazon Has So Many Good Mother's Day Gifts on Sale Right Now. February 8, 2023 | 1:04pm. Marshals Service and the U.S. Fax Line:(319) 363-1990. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Medulan is being held in the United States Marshals custody until he can be transported to a federal prison. Iowa senior Nia Carter leads the Big Ten in hits, ranks second in the NCAA, Show You Care: Miracles in Motion helps people with disabilities expand their horizons, Camp Courageous hosts annual omelet breakfast fundraiser, Floodwaters continue to wind down Mississippi River, Dubuque County town's residents keep on going despite many homes underwater, First Alert Forecast: Sunday evening, April 30. He said he was only a heroin user and he purchased from Dennis. He told officers the stolen firearm could be traced to a murder that happened in Cedar Rapids a year ago, court documents state. Medulan was sentenced in Cedar Rapids by United States District Court Judge C.J. Best gifts for the graduate with travel plans, Mothers Day inspo: This foot massager has 20,000, Downed tree blocks traffic in Nichols area, Power restored to Santee Cooper customers, Fired Big Lots manager says she just wanted carts, May 1 means seasonal beach rules in Myrtle Beach, 1st Black woman to lead South Carolina Democrats, Nancy Mace calls for middle ground on abortion, 40 Portuguese Man o War found on SC beach, Mother charged in teens overdose death at SC motel, Man who lost wife, son in Texas mass shooting tells, Where can I take my dog in Myrtle Beach? Day two of testimony is underway in the trial of the Cedar Rapids man charged with killing a 22-year-old woman inside his home. Meggers said they had no evidence if Deklotz sold his house. Criminal complaints against the five say police arrested them while conducting search warrants on various locations in Dubuque. A joint U.S. and Australian law enforcement operation busted an international drug ring after intercepting 2.4 tonnes of cocaine aboard a vessel off the coast of South America that had been bound. If you want a pest-free patio this spring, the most important thing you can do is take away those elements that bugs find desirable. Cody Scott Deklotz, 31, formerly of Cedar Rapids, told law enforcement after his arrest in May that he was only a user of heroin and wasnt selling it, but a drug enforcement agent testified during his detention hearing Wednesday that the quantities he bought were for redistributing, not for his personal use. 29, 2023 9:23 am1d ago, Crime and Courts Apr. Melonie Holt "We cannot allow these drugs and the criminals who peddle them to poison our communities and destroy lives," DeSantis said in a statement Wednesday. 111 7th Ave, SE The case file number is 20-CR-55. by: Ashlyn Williams. Posted: Jun 10, 2021 / 04:59 PM EDT. Investigators say they used a search warrant to get inside and found evidence of a possible [] UPDATED: FBI raids bust drug trafficking network in Eastern Iowa, One hurt in single-vehicle rollover crash in Linn County, Iowa senior Nia Carter leads the Big Ten in hits, ranks second in the NCAA, Show You Care: Miracles in Motion helps people with disabilities expand their horizons, Camp Courageous hosts annual omelet breakfast fundraiser. . Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 30, 2023 8:54 pm5h ago, Jeff Johnson Minor League Sports Apr. The RENPHO Foot Massager Machine may be just the gift to make Mothers Day extra special for your mom this year. Weyland then distributed the meth to others in the ring to sell across Eastern Iowa. Meggers said later in the investigation they conducted controlled buys and set up wiretaps on Dennis. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of KCCI-TV. -Tasha Donath, 35, charged with possession of meth with intent to deliver and within 1,000 feet of a park or school. Lock The suspects, who the DEA did not name, are charged with multiple counts, including conspiracy to distribute meth. (AP) A Cedar Rapids man who investigators said led a drug trafficking ring has been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison. FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) - 26 people have been indicted in what North Dakota U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley calls an 'unprecedented' drug trafficking . 7, 2023 4:18 pm23d ago, Trish Mehaffey Crime and Courts Apr. Marshals arrested in Zwingle today an Illinois man who was wanted on federal charges out of Springfield, Missouri. U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Roberts, during a detention hearing, said there was strong evidence to indicate Deklotz was buying large quantities of drugs for redistribution and also allowing Dennis to sell drugs to others from DeKlotzs Cedar Rapids home. ( The federal Drug Enforcement Administration and state, tribal, and local law enforcement arrested ten people on federal drug charges and four on state charges Thursday morning across eastern South Dakota. section 8 housing niagara falls, ny, abandoned places in galveston, bloomberg anchor salary,

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